A one of a kind, online
Psychic & Intuitive Development Program
Heal your heart,
Empower your soul & Reconnect with your Loved ones in Spirit.
Your soul's calling...
If you're a Highly Sensitive, Intuitive, Empathic Being of Light ✨
Listen up buttercup!
It's YOUR time to step up and
What if...
Imagine how this experience could transform your life...
Ring.. Ring...
Will you answer?
Or maybe you're thinking...
What if these intuitive abilities I have aren't real,
legit abilties?
No worries...
If you're reading this it's most definitly a
Divinely guided
There are no accidents, only syncronicities.
Become the best, most beautiful version of YOU
that YOU came here to be!
You're invited..
Your soul will thrive inside the High vibe of our MSS membership
Deep down you have a strong intuitive knowing that your inner
weirdness is indeed your outer Super-Powered, Psychic Strength.
+ Your innate gifts and abilities are patiently waiting for you to get
realigned and redefined.
It's time...
A. W. A. K. E. N. to the JOY of becoming Multifaceted YOU!
Learn how to OWN these OptiMystic, uplifting cape-abilities❣️
The Multifaceted
Souls Society🌻
Our Members
"I had no idea I was so intuitive!"
I only started with Lisa a few months ago. I am so blown away by the results I've had with the people around me that I've practiced with including the members of MSS🌻🦋💫
Lisa has taught me some wonderful tips and tricks about how to tune into people to help bring through those who have passed.
I'm excited for my future! Now I can help share evidence and encourage others to move forward through Mediumship provided by intuitive experiences.
~ Joanne Richard
"Missing a loved one?
Learn to develop."
Originally I met with Lisa to discuss a wellness strategy using essential oils.
After finding out out she was a Medium, I immediately booked a reading. It had been many years since I had connected with my loved ones on the other side. I was also curious who would come through.
Lisa did not disappoint either. It made me happy to hear the messages from my loved ones. I received closure for something I had been waiting on for over 30 years.
If you're curious or actively seeking a reading, definitely contact Lisa. Her approach is joyful, uplifting and reassuring.
Since learning to develop these skills I've given readings in class that were on point and, quite frankly, incredible! The fact that such clarity could come through me to share with others amazes me!
~ Kathi B
"This experience has taken me to a new place of peace."
I'm grateful for the friendships and support I've received both emotionally & physically.
The nudges and teachings Lisa offers have helped to move me forward with the confidence needed to share our God given abilities openly without judgement.
Through the development process I'm learning that I'm a thinker and I often wait for clarity from Spirit before proceeding.
But it never dawned on me that this IS the way I process things. An Ah-ha moment for sure!
I'm so happy I found this community!
~ Linda Dailey
What exactly is intuition anyway?
It's the ability to aquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning.
That knowing that you know, without knowing how you know, but for whatever
reason you just know.
Sound familiar?
Are you aware your intuition is also strongly connected to your sixth sense?
This sixth sense is a God-given, all natural ability that everyone is born with but few take the time to learn how to develop.
Once you do though...
Look out world!
The sky's the limit.
To the Intuitive,
Highly Sensitive,
Empathic Soul
who simply wants more...
It's time to release the confusion,
self doubt and fear...
The problem is this:
I get it.
For years I struggled. Feeling lost, alone and completely on my own...
Trying everything I could to develop these intuitive abilities.
I found it super frustrating.
The worst part was it took me FOREVER to figure it all out.
Getting past the fear, self doubt + not feeling good enough when it came to developing.
Plus there's so much information out there, it can be completely overwhelming.
I needed crystal clear clarity, focus tools + a map with the details and direction.
I was searching for someone who'd make this new adventure interesting and easy, yet digestable.
Someone who'd help me create a strategy to simplify the learning curve making it effortless & Fun!
I was also craving the kindness & compassion of a supportive, like-minded community.
Maybe that's how you're feeling too?
I have to say those early years weren't easy.
Constantly seeking a guide who'd stand by my side, taking me under their wing.
Especially when I was confusing anxiety with what I was perceiving from Spirit.
And let me just say this happened a lot!
No one seemed to "get me."
I was considered the black sheep of my family.
Still am, although ...
I OWN these AWEsome Super-Powered Cape-Abilites! 💃
And you can too!
Looking back in hindsight..
😊Happily I can now say:
I trust myself completely.
Being tapped in, turned on, and tuned in to the Spirit world is super exciting! 🎉
Allowing your soul to perceive these "intuitive hits" can be life changing too!
Since I couldn't find the exact type of guide and community I was seeking.
I decided to become her and create it!
Your Soul's Pathway to Peace
With little more than a handful of Hope + a Big dream to serve Spirit and my members for the highest and best good.
Your Soul's Pathway to Peace was born.
And that's the main reason why I launched the (MSS) Multifaceted Souls Society 🌻🦋💫
We're an Empire of Love, built on a strong, supportive, community foundation 💖
Learn to Connect with :
There's nothing to fear either
because all our intuitive
work is done in
God's Love & Light!
Realign ~ Get rooted in Love
Learn how to deal with + release feelings of:
Experience what it feels like to:
✨Shine your brilliant Birth-Light✨
Which is your soul's breath-taking spark of Divinity!
"Being part of this community is absolutely Amazing!"
Expect the unexpected and be wowed with each and every step along the way! Special shout out to Lisa, The Multifaceted Medium for her unique, FUN & adventureous dynamic as she brings an upbeat soulful experience to you! + thank you to the Multifaceted Souls Society members for sharing in my adventure!🌻❤️
~ Tiffany Frentzen
Are you ready for your
soul's next Big Adventure?
✨ Clarity✨ Confidence✨ Connection✨
"There's no place else I'd rather be than with Spirit standing right beside me."
Text me 215-273-9806