The Multifaceted Medium®
Messages from Above
with Love
About Us 💕
Opti Mystic UpLifter
Behind this Blog..
The Multifaceted Medium®
I love what I do and I can't
wait to get to share it with you!
This cute guy sitting next to me rolling his hairy eyeballs would be Duke my furry half-child and spiritual companion. He often hangs out with me while I work and as you can see he's not a fan of having his photo taken. Although his expressions are priceless! ... Lol😊
And this cutie patootie is my lucky little Penny from Heaven. She's my spiritual Side-chick. She was an early Easter gift from my Grammy but that's a whole other story.. Let's just say she was sent from UP Above with so much Love💕
The Multifaceted Medium®
Psychic Medium,
Energy Healer,
Oracle Card Artist,
Amazon Infuencer,
Mediumship Mentor,
Wellness Strategist
and PHD 😉 ~
Professional Hair Designer,
by trade.
Bridging the gap
between the two worlds..
Bridging the gap between the two worlds..
I help the
reconnect with
their loved ones
in Spirit by
Multifaceted Messages,
from Above with Love
I help the curious reconnect
with their loved ones in
Spirit by offering:
from Above with Love
Healing hearts is just one of my Multifaceted specialites. I offer this service so my clients can find closure knowing their loved ones are safe, happy and at peace + very much still alive in the afterlife.
The way I do this best is by reconnecting my clients with their loved ones in Spirit during:
Back in May of 2021 I opened my Psychic School called: Multifaceted University, A.K.A. Multifaceted U. A sacred, safe online space where curious souls from all over the globe can come together, get connected and form lifelong meaningful friendships. All while learning the foundations needed to develop and eventually Master your Mediumship. Join us and unfold your God- given gifts and abiltites.
Beginners welcome!
A few other
things worth
A few
The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society
My private online School & Spiritual community for Highly Sensitive Souls seeking to unpack the afterlife + develop their innate intuitive abilities. Reconnecting with their Angels, Guides & loved ones in Spirit.
My Best Kept Multifaceted Secret
For years I dealt with an debilitating autoimmune disorder known as psoraisis. During the pandemic it worsened, turning into full blown excema. But in the matter of 5 days I flipped the script and healed it. All on my own, naturally. Want to know my Multifaceted Secret?
Multifaceted Essential Wellness
Plant medicine that's safe, inevpensive, quite effective and it works with little to no side effects except feeling better! For spiritual, emotional ,and physical wellbeing.
Would you like to be included in my next project?
Client Testimonials
Previous Testimonials
from my past (business)life
Start working with me
Let's schedule a Messages from Above with Love ❤️ ~ Mediumship Reading